EEOICPA Statistics for Claimants Living in Puerto Rico
DOL Part B and Part E Statistics
NIOSH Dose Reconstruction Statistics
Puerto Rico EEOICPA Facilities
Facility descriptions credit: DOE
The Boiling Nuclear Superheat Reactor (BONUS) was licensed from April 2, 1964 to June 1, 1968. Full power operation began in late 1965 and stopped in July 1967. The plant was Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Energy owned; it was not regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Plutonium has been recovered from reactor fuel.
The Puerto Rico
Nuclear Center (also known as the Center for
Energy and Environment Research) was established
in 1957 as a nuclear training and research
institution. The facility included a one
megawatt MTR research reactor, which became
operational in 1960. During the next ten years,
the AEC supported training and research
activities at an annual level of approximately
$2 million. The MTR was shut down in 1971 and
replaced a two megawatt TRIGA research reactor.
Except for brief periods of time, TRIGA was
never operated at power levels in excess of 1.2
In 1976, the facility was renamed
the Center for Energy and Environmental Research
(CEER) and the mission was broadened to include
research, development and training for both
nuclear and non-nuclear energy technologies. The
programs were transferred to the University of
Puerto Rico at that time.
The TRIAGA reactor
was shut down on September 30, 1976 and a
program for decommissioning and removal of the
reactor was initiated.